Kiralık Studio Levent L4A

Studio 4 is 15.5m x 7m x 3.2m high on low side graduating to 4.1m high. Our newest studio, located right next door to the other three, offers the option of beautiful all day sunlight streaming through long side windows (weather permitting), diffused light through the sheer curtains. Alternatively drawing the black curtains can control the light or black out the studio.

Günlük Kiralama Ücreti

16.500,00  + KDV

Studyo Adresi

Digioneplus Levent 4A Studio Emniyet Evleri, Yamaç Sk. No:4/A, 34415 Kâğıthane/İstanbul

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Studio 4 is 15.5m x 7m x 3.2m high on low side graduating to 4.1m high. Our newest studio, located right next door to the other three, offers the option of beautiful all day sunlight streaming through long side windows (weather permitting), diffused light through the sheer curtains. Alternatively drawing the black curtains can control the light or black out the studio.

This studio is great for everything from food to fashion and the sound is ok for video as long as there is not very heavy rain. If sound is important, we recommend Studio 1 or Studio 2

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